Most recent FTS (Nov 10, 2011):
Original Post April 29, 2010:
I knew this day would come when I started collecting Zoas and Palys. So here I am putting together a dedicated system for them. I will also move over some of the LPS in my 90 that are cluttering up the sand bed.
The tank is called an Atasuki Trophy. I had a freshwater planted tank in it before, but tore that down a few months back. It is supposed to be 20 gallons, but I've never measured the actual volume. (Note to self: You should do that.) It's pretty cool because the top opening is 24" to accommodate lighting. I made a stand that matches the 90's stand.
I crafted an internal sump/overflow design kind of like an AIO using a MaxiJet 1200 as a return pump. I have a little eggcrate media rack that I still need to install. I will glue a couple little blocks on the sides of the first chamber to set the rack on.
I ordered a Hagen Glo 2x24w T5HO fixture. I'm going to try a Hagen 18,000K and a UVL Super Actinic. The fixture I bought comes with 2 Hagen bulbs included, so I may as well use them (one at a time).
This tank will also serve as a quarantine tank for new SPS since AEFW and red bugs won't infect the LPS and Zoas.
For livestock, I'm going to try to catch the Blue Assessor out of the 90, as I think she will look nicer under the strong blue spectrum of the Zoa tank. Not sure what else. Probably some cool nano inverts, and fish.
Water and rock will be in there tomorrow. I have a bunch of live rock that has been cooking for just about a year (I
knew I would use it lol), and I will seed it with some rubble from the 90's sump. I will use 10 gallons of water from my 90 after I do a water change tomorrow. I am leaving for work out of province on Sunday so the tank will just circulate. I will be back May long weekend, and will begin to move livestock over.
I'm going to trim the tubing coming off the MaxiJet.