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Old 04-30-2010, 02:53 AM
Haloreef Haloreef is offline
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Abbotsford British columbia Canada
Posts: 199
Haloreef is on a distinguished road
Default one of those days

Thanks for all the well wishes people!
After I came home from work today I finally got up the nerve to take a good long look. I think the Purple Cross is a Wright-off but I can see tissue on the under sides of most off the other colonies. Keeping my fingers crossed! The corals further away from the broken light seem less affected, (colour loss).
On the brighter side all fish and clams seem ok!
I guess I should leave the light off for a day or two?
Any suggestions?
I need to buy a new bulb but I think it best that the affected corals only get reduced light from the lights to the left and right of the "kill zone".
I will replace the bulb Saturday and start with the light on for an hour a couple times a day.
this is new to me so if any one has a differrent idea please let me know.
I do not want to cause any more stress to the poor corals!
Once again, thanks every one!
If a carpet soaked in salt water couldn't make me quit. this sure won't
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