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Old 04-28-2010, 11:07 PM
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Myka Myka is offline
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Location: Saskatoon, SK.
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Here's your old post (for reference):

Originally Posted by Albertan22 View Post
Hi all,

So I brought home a yellow watchman goby on the weekend and have noticed white patches on his sides. I noticed the first patch the day after he went into the tank, and today (third day in the tank) he seems to have more on both sides of his body. It almost looks like scrapes (see picture below, in the middle of his body). He has spent most of the evening today swiming laps along the glass at the top of the tank, and stops and sticks himself to the overflow teeth every once in awhile. His breathing seems normal, but he hasn't been eating. Ammonia, and nitrite levels aren't detectable, and I haven't observed any agression with other fish in the tank (2 clowns and 4 chromis). I'm a little worried about this guy and am debating setting a QT up for him but I don't know what, if anything, to treat for. Any ideas?

Thanks for looking.
~ Mindy

SPS fanatic.

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