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Old 04-28-2010, 03:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Trocar61 View Post
Where does one purchase a GFI probe? and is one better then the other.
Just to clear this up a little, there is no such animal as a GFI 'probe'. You're looking for a GFI or GFCI device and these come in a number of different flavours. Probably the easiest install is to replace the electrical receptacle, usually a two outlet plug in, with a GFCI receptacle. A more expensive and probably unnecessary option is to install a GFCI circuit breaker in your electrical panel. Downside here is, they generally use up two spaces in your panel and will take out an entire circuit when they trip. A receptacle type will only take out what's plugged in to that receptacle and any circuits downstream of it, hooked up to the load side of the GFCI receptacle. Third and simplest option is to get a GFCI power bar which is simply plugged into any receptacle that's handy. It can be moved around as required. Thing to watch out for here, is that some of these must be reset manually if there's a power outage. Most, if not all GFCI receptacles will reset automatically if the power to them is interrupted and later restored. If they trip due to a fault with a component, they all need to be reset and the faulty component identified.
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