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Old 04-28-2010, 05:31 AM
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Funky_Fish14 Funky_Fish14 is offline
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Ed: I was going to set it up with one bin for salt (the 40g bin on the right) and 1 bin for freshwater (60g bin on left) (hence the differently coloured ball valves), and was going to run my two R/O lines (from two separate 50gpd membranes) to each bin separately so they could fill independently. I however got two 33g pre-drilled tanks (from lastlight when I bought his tank) and those will now become the SW portion... and now I can do larger 100g waterchanges on my big fresh tanks.

My bins (for anyone asking) do have removable lids (rigid enough you can put stuff on them but easy enough to cut holes into, etc... same with the bins, the bins are plenty rigid but easy to cut into, and light). They do not screw on although I think you can get some that do. I purchased them at polyrama plastics in edmonton, they are on 149st a couple block south of the yellowhead (across the road from the south end of the costco parking lot). Sorry I cant remember the avenue. They have good prices and a HUGE variety of container types and styles, any type of cylinder, and even in rectangles, pre-drilled or not, etc... I chose mine cause of the good access to the top, the flat bottom(so you can draw out ALL the water - just be careful if you have a heater in the bottom of the bins like I do), and the slightly cheaper price for cylindrical vs. rectangular (I have no space constraints so cylindrical is no issue).

I kind of just threw that system together, and have been cleaning it all up and re-organizing it recently. In the pictures you can see the mag 9.5 that drives it and pumps water to two ends of the basement (one a freshwater fish room where there are several tanks - and the other my saltwater tanks in my bedroom). At each location I can fill buckets of water, and they also directly feed every aquarium. I can also fill buckets right beside the bins.

Sorry those pictures are a tad old. I'll have to update them soon.


No more tanks - Laying off the ReefCrack for awhile!
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