I'll play devils advocate. It is not at all unusual for me to be gone from the house for 16 or even 18 hours at a time. If I have some stray voltage trip the breaker at 8:00 I will come home at midnight and find everything dead from cold and lack of circulation.
A few weeks ago I gave myself a jolt when one of my Sedra pumps was putting some voltage into the tank and was actually happy that I don't run a GFCI as I really do not know how long the power would have been out. A grounding probe would be a good idea for me and I am now on the hunt for one, but I will take my chances with the rest.
I'm not saying it is the smart way of doing things, only that the thought of killing everything in my tank (again) for tripping a breaker does not appeal to me. I was out of the hobby for years after everything in my tank died due to a breaker tripping and don't care for a repeat.
"Government is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else." -- Frederick Bastiat