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Old 04-27-2010, 06:22 AM
Posts: n/a

sounds like flukes here to me too. Prazi-pro can be used in a reef tank the only thing that I have had react to it was a Nem but he just closed up and bounced back. If it is flukes you will have to do 3 treatments 1 now one in 7 day and another in 3 weeks. to get all the eggs. so do a 5 day treatment with air off to the skimmer run a air stone in the sump no carbon. after the 5 days turn air on in the skimmer and run carbon then after 2-3 days treat again for 5 day. after 3 week from start of the first treatment start the last treatment for 5 days. that should do it for the flukes. Prazi-pro will also treat for other parasites so if you don't know exactly what it is but you do know it's a parasite then do the prazi-pro treatment. I have used it to treat flukes in my old 55g DT after getting a fish with them it was one of the first fish I added to the tank after cycle the 2 other fish fared well. I think I stressed him to much trying to catch him and get him in the QT and then it was down hill from there. so I had to treat the DT for the flukes as they were in there for sure as the clowns started shaking their heads swimming erratically.
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