Originally Posted by whatcaneyedo
I prefer slightly higher alkalinity around 9 or 10 for two reasons. One is because it helps to keep my pH higher which I have a problem with in the winter because of my calcium reactor. And two, because it provides a bit of a buffer againts having my alkalinity drop too far if something goes wrong. For example: I had my calcium reactor stop working (long story, doesnt matter) and my alkalinity began to drop by about 1 dkh per day. If I didnt keep it slighter higher it would have dropped a lot lower than the 5 dkh that it ended up at before I corrected the problem.
Ok. Thanks again! man i must be getting annoying by now. haha. Sorry. So last question for tonight promise.haha. So should I not worry about a calcium reactor or kalk doser untill i notice a requirement for it? Or should I be looking now for one for when i want to get a clam in the future.