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Old 04-27-2010, 04:05 AM
burtonpj48 burtonpj48 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: calgary
Posts: 49
burtonpj48 is on a distinguished road
Default 2 angels

I have a flame and coral beauty in a 90 gallon tank. At first they would stay at either side of the tank. When one fish goes to the others territory, they would chase each other back to thier side. They both stressed each other out, both fish got itch. So I had to quarantine them in a 10 gallon. Eventually they had to learn to get along. When all the itch was cleared, I returned them in my display, and the two never had problems since. Some fish get along and some just dont. Hope the pair u find get along, Thats all you can really hope for.
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