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Old 04-27-2010, 03:59 AM
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Newly mixed Instant Ocean typically has an alkalinity of 11 dkh according to this post so that is normal Most brands have higher than natural levels of many elements to help compensate for uptake in our systems.

I've stopped caring when soft corals close up. Any little change can trigger them to shrink down to nothing. As long as they eventually opening again and your SPS have good polyp extension it looks fine to me.

Its funny what different light types will do. Lonnie switched from 400W MH to T5 a few years ago and all of his acropora bleached at first. Once they recovered some looked browner while others looked lighter...
"We shall dive down through black abysses... and in that lair of the Deep Ones we shall dwell amidst wonder and glory forever." - H.P. Lovecraft

Old 120gal Tank Journal
New 225gal Tank Journal
May 2010 TOTM
The 10th Annual Prince George Reef Tank Tour

Last edited by whatcaneyedo; 04-27-2010 at 04:04 AM.
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