Originally Posted by DiverDude
From the decription, I can't say that it couldn't be marine velvet. All that has been added to this tank since the Angel (who was put in at the same time as a Green Chromis and a Bulldozer Shrimp -all of which came from the same, established tank) is a piece of SPS from and a Star Polyp frag (both from Globaldesigns' tank).
All other tank inhabitants seem fine (eating and behaving normally). Tested fro Amonia, Nitite and Nitrate this morning and all are zero. I did a 5 gal water change yesterday (as I usually do each week).
I have some copper treatment I got with the tank but I don't have a quarantine tank to administer it in ! Catching him might be a challenge as well.
from what I gather, treating copper in my display may help the angel but will harm just about everything else !
gaargh !
Don't put any copper in your tank. Copper will kill your inverts, but more importantly will ruin your rock for future inverts etc. Treating with copper should be kept to a quarantine tank only, IMO...
My tank is clean, so giving you 2 frags wouldn't of given you any disease.
HMMMM, was the flame angel from a LFS? my first potters angel had a flesh eating disease, and developed a few days after getting him. I returned him and got another, maybe it came with the fish.
If you come over, I have some liquid vitamins and some liquid garlic that you may want to try using. You soak it into the food, and will hopefully give him some boost to fight whatever it is.
Let me know, I am around if you want to come grab it to try.