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Old 04-26-2010, 03:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
New plan of attack...

I'm going to bump up the dose a little bit, but not as much as some of you guys on here have used. I will grind up the tablet, and dose 4 Salifert spoonfuls which should be enough to treat ~130 gallons.

Day 1 - Remove carbon. Submerse the air intake off on the skimmer. Add Interceptor. Wait 10 hours. Do 25% water change. Add fresh carbon, turn skimmer air back on. [Tank is due for a water change anyway.]

Day 5 - Remove carbon. Submerse air intake on skimmer. Add 2nd dose. Wait 10 hours. Do 25% water change. Add fresh carbon, turn skimmer air back on.

***First dose is going in in an hour.***
So if you have removed inverts and are worried about putting them back in, you could also change out the carbon 24h after the treatment. I used to do that but am pretty lazy with my interceptor treatments now (I didn't even bother with the WC on the last one until my regular waterchange day 3 days later).

Oh and good luck, likely you'll be more stressed than any of your tank inhabitants I know I always was at the beginning.
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