Thanks for your info Christy. There is no way I can catch the brittle starfish. Even when I tore my tank apart to move it, I couldn't pry him out of the rock. So he's going to have to tough it out. I'm not entirely sure I will be able to get the Emerald crabs out either. I have read some journals that people have Seahares that do fine with the treatment, so I'm going to leave him in there. The more I think about it, I think I might just treat the tank as is...PITA to set up a tank just for a couple Emeralds that I might not even be able to catch. The little turds don't even eat bubble algae.
I have read other people leaving the treatment longer than 6 hours, so I think I'm going to aim for 10 hours, but I will watch the tank closely for signs of stress. Would be nice to have
some pods at the end of this.
I was more worried about the carbon removing the Interceptor so it would be safe to put the inverts back. Now I'm not so worried...
Originally Posted by Stones
It isn't necessary to dose with interceptor more than once, so long as you use the correct dosage.
When most of the literature on red bugs was originally posted, very little was known about their life cycle. Since then, it has been found that red bugs are live bearers and do not have an egg or larval stage that could have been resistant to milbemycin oxime...
Expect to loose 99% of your pod population along with all of your acro crabs, sally light foots, and emerald crabs. Hermit crabs are not true crabs and as such are not effected by the interceptor. Other inverts such as cleaner shrimps, peppermints, snails, and urchins should all be fine as well as the sea hare. If you'd feel better removing the sea hare due to their known toxicity upon death, it probably wouldn't hurt.
Hope the info helps.
Thanks for the info, but it does go against several other red bug treatment journals I have read. It seems other people are
sometimes having troubles with only one treatment even though it seems they are using the correct dosage. I'm going to do two doses just to be safe, I'm beyond PO'd at having to do this to begin with, and killing off my pod population is not something I want to do again.
Also, I have read many journals that report both hermits and cleaner shrimp to die from the treatment, but it seems blood shrimp and Peppermints are ok (weird). Lots of people report emerald crabs dying as well as nuisance crabs in the reef that they didn't know were there. Haha!