Originally Posted by Myka
Thanks for your advice Chaloupa! I think I will take the Seahare out just in case since the Seahare alone can be lethal to the tank if he does die.
Are you saying this is what you did, or are you suggesting this is what I do?
This is what was recommended by "melev" on his site and it's the dose and way I've always done it. He has some fantastic info on his site, and I've emailed it with my redbug problems when I first got them. So.....that being said I've always done it that way, other than when I forgot one treatment on second dose to plug in the carbon until 24 hours later!!! And all was good! It's great when you can see them leaving the coral! Such a feeling of accomplishment! And you are very welcome. It's an easy thing to treat...now Acro Eating Flatworms...THAT is a very different problem all together!