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Old 04-25-2010, 08:44 PM
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NU-2reef NU-2reef is offline
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Burnaby BC
Posts: 151
NU-2reef is on a distinguished road

i was just at JL and they only have a bunch of dendros at $25 a head. no sun polyps.

and what with all the negative talk about king ed's... i understand its a mess but if you ask anyone who works there if they have a certain item, they will know exactly where it is. organized chaos, yeah. They are also the most fair place to make trades with. Robert is quite knowledgable down at king ed's and works with what he has. The people who own the place dont give him much of a budget to work with, so if you ask me he is trying his best. you try being in his shoes for a day.
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