Well here I go again. I figured after umpteen tank builds I should start a build journal, just as a means to track progress. For starters I currently have a new custom tank ordered from my buddy Kevin at Red Coral which should be done today or tomorrow. The dimensions of the new tank are 48"x30"x24"high. It's going to have eurobracing, herbie, drilled returns, yada yada, more detail when the tank comes.
This is the tank I am replacing, this had been a good tank but I outgrew it very quickly and between Zeo and dosing two part, my growth has taken right off, hence the need for the real estate.
I am putting this tank up for sale this week.
Right now I'm going to use as much hardware from my 90 as I can but we'll see about that as the build moves along.
Here is the plan as of right now:
Lighting: I currently have 2 x 250 Watt AquaMedic Oceanlight MH Pendants with Phoenix 14K bulbs on my 90. Options for the new tank are #1 Add a third pendant (already have it) in a triangular pattern to cover the 48x30" area. #2 Maristar MH + T5 250W with tank legs to get rid of the pendants. #3 There was no option 3 until I spotted the new TEK Elite fixture, but I'm thinking that myght be the answer.
Skimmer: Going to use my Eshopps PSK-200 Gen II for now, I will upgrade fairly quickly but haven't made a decision. I'll probably end up grabbing an Eshopps Snow Cone or jump on that Bubble Magus bandwagon.
Sump: Eshopps RS 300 acrylic sump
Return Pump: AquaMedic OR 6500 currently. Might go with external for this build.
Controller: Neptune Apex Lite(should be here this week) with temp and PH.
Reactors: 1 TLF for carbon and 2 TLF for biopellets, this is the configuration I have now but I'm going to pick up one of those cool Nextreef ones from Oceanic.
Flow Inside Tank: 4 Koralia Evo's set up as a wavemaker through the Apex. Return lines will have Loc Line for control of return flow.
Dosing: Bulk two part by means of two Drew's Dosers connected to my Apex. Also Zeo Amino Acid, Coral Vitalizer, Marine Snow, Pohl's Extra.
That's about it for the plan, let's see how much all of this changes!