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Old 04-24-2010, 02:50 AM
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bauder1986 bauder1986 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Edmonton, AB...find the earie glow of the T5 lights coming from a house lol
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Originally Posted by sitandwatch View Post
Sort of, every hour or so it clears I then move some sand around, clean off rocks and stuff then it clouds up again but its getting better I am getting some of the finer particulates skimmed off so hopefully when I add in the fish they don't disappear.

I did get the light hung and started up, now I have heard you can never have to much light...... But I just might, I no longer have to use any other lights on the main floor and when my wife came home she wanted to know when I started the grow op

I will post photos in a few days as the wife took the camera to San Fran this weekend.

I wonder if I can get a tan from the light??
if your par is high enough, hells yah you can get a tan from the lighting systems on our tanks
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