Group order update -
QTY(poly #) - name
2 - Blue Majic palys
2 - Ultra Invisible Sun palys
5 - Ultra King Midas zoas
3 - Ultra Variable Stars palys
10 - Ultra Emerald Forest zoas
5 - original Blues Clues zoas
4 - Nuclear greens palys
6 - ultra neon sunset zoas
QTY(poly #) - name
3 - Heaven & Hell Palys
1 - Armagedon Paly
3 - Ultra Blue Angels
1 - Ultra X-men Paly
5 - Neon Green Palys
3 - Ultra Variable Stars
QTY(poly #) - name
5 - Ultra Wonder Woman
QTY(poly #) - name
1- ultra "Armour of God" palys
5 - ultra "Martian Invasion" zoas
5 - Halloween zoas
5 - ultra "Goldstars" zoas
5 - Blue moon palys
5 - ultra Wonder woman zoas
5 - Rings of Neptune zoas
5 Ultra Blue zombie-eyes zoas
5 - ultra "Superman" zoas 3 - ultra "5lue Angels" zoas 5 - Tuxedo zoas (8-ball/ oreo) 5 - ultra "Martian Invasion" zoas 10 - ultra "Emerald forest" zoas
Group total thus far: $770! before 15% discount...28frags
This brings shipping cost to $5.89/frag (based on Neptune Cove new est.)
(Keeping in mind all costs are USD$). For those wondering, my figures currently have a USD$30 frag with all the adjustments for shipping, exchange, and discounts, costing approximately $33 Cdn.
I did ask about a further discount. Bill can't do any better on cost, however he will 'overpolyp' on all frags which is a happy medium imo!
Final deadline for orders is Friday night. I will send out payment details for email transfer Saturday morning and will need all payments no later than Sunday evening. Neptune's Cove will be paid on Monday morning with my VISA. Any difference in what people transferred me will be settled at pickup (I will provide you with updated balances prior to pickup).
Thank you to everyone who has put orders in! There is still time to get in orders. See my post above for pics of rics and yumas!