Group order update
QTY(poly #) - name
2 - Blue Majic palys
2 - Ultra Invisible Sun palys
5 - Ultra King Midas zoas
3 - Ultra Variable Stars palys
10 - Ultra Emerald Forest zoas
5 - original Blues Clues zoas
4 - Nuclear greens palys
6 - ultra 'neon sunset' zoas
QTY(poly #) - name
3 - Heaven & Hell Palys
1 - Armagedon Paly
3 - Ultra Blue Angels
1 - Ultra X-men Paly
5 - Neon Green Palys
3 - Ultra Variable Stars
QTY(poly #) - name
5 - Ultra Wonder Woman
QTY(poly #) - name
1- ultra "Armour of God" palys
5 - ultra "Martian Invasion" zoas
5 - Halloween zoas
5 - ultra "Goldstars" zoas
5 - Blue moon palys
Group total thus far: $560 before 15% discount...20frags
This brings shipping cost to $5.75/frag (based on Neptune Cove est.)
(Keeping in mind all costs are USD$)
The discount will help to offset the exchange and shipping. Neptune has our orders and should be placing them on hold today.
If anyone wants in on the yumas or rics please PM me with your email so I can send the photos directly to you when I receive them.
As we are still waiting for those photos to show up and because we've got a better discount now, if anyone else is interested in zoas/palys please send me your orders today.
I've got my fingers crossed that those photos arrive today!