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Old 04-21-2010, 02:44 AM
kevNnic kevNnic is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Leduc AB
Posts: 179
kevNnic is on a distinguished road
Default our 65 gallon fowlr build.

Well we started our cycle yesterday after buying ur rock. We currently are running a power head with a canaster and heater at 80.5. We will be adding clown fish, amongst a few other.

also have a t5 light 165watt 4 bulb. and a protein skimmer we are not using at the momment until we complete our cycle.

So far we have 60lbs of live caribbean sand
30lbs dry rock
10lbs live rock.

We will continue to update as we see more progress in the near future.


Kevin & Nicole

feedback and advice always welcome.

here are a few picks up the set up

65 gallon saltwater tank, 60lbs live sand, 85lbs live rock, 2 ocellaris clowns, spotted goby, Flame hawkfish, scopas tang, numerous corals
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