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Old 10-30-2003, 02:04 PM
Old Guy Old Guy is offline
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Coquitlam
Posts: 226
Old Guy is on a distinguished road

Hi Beverly,

At the moment I have 4 Pakistani, 1 Klein's and 1 saddleback in a 90gal with an Ornatus wrasse,a flame angle and a mimic tang. All are still juvie's with the largest around 4". They soon will be in a new 230gal.

I would like to say that I set up the 90 in July 02 with the sole intention of keeping a school of Pakistani's. It has a 130lbs of live rock that I seeded with polyps, zoo's, xenia, anthenia, and shrooms from my reef tank. I wanted to be sure they had some natural food for maximum survival rate. As it was, I still lost 1 that came with 1 eye. Couldn't see the flame coming I guess. By the time they had munched down all the softies, the flame had tought them to eat. Now they eat anything I throw in the tank.

I feed them something different everyday. From flake to frozen. I eat a lot of seafood and when I do they do. Last night it was scallops yummy.

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