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Old 04-19-2010, 07:46 PM
Rahim101 Rahim101 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Calgary, Alberta
Posts: 58
Rahim101 is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by zum14 View Post
Ok so mulling over this a bit more and i think i should put this out there to see what people think because its one thing that i kind of have trouble with. I find that once a company knows that they have the repor to do so they will bend you over a barrel. What i mean is that you have a company such as source aquatics, they may not have such a good track record, they prob spend $100 on glass and $100 on man hours to make a tank say 180 gal. They then turn and sell the tank for 450$. I will not deny the chances of getting a sub par product because, to a point, it is true you get what you pay for. But my problem is you get places that have a good repor with everyone and all the sudden there stuff is gold. They may spend $200 for the same amount of glass but better quality, and maybe $250-300 for man hours for better built product, But they then turn and sell it for $1500-$2000 for there name and because they basically go well its this or the bad stuff. I just have trouble trying to figure out whether or not the extra 1000 is worth the bragging rights. In the end i will prob spend the extra for the peace of mind but its just something that i find troublesome.

Just so every knows...I'm Ray from Bow Valley / Source Aquatics.

I have been doing some of the marketing for Mitch just to bring in some more "retail" business and work a commission based on sales I bring into the shop. I put up that website for free ....yes because I don't get paid for marketing.

Bow Valley has been in business in Calgary for 35 years and has been building tanks for 30 of those years. most of the tanks built 30 years ago, are still holding water and in the last 20 years, we have only had 1 tank with a faulty seam and 3 tanks with minor leaks come back to the shop. We offer a warranty on all the tanks and back our products.

We use NEW glass on all of our tanks of 3 years ago.

We all know that dealing with Mitch can be tough and that is why I'm here. to help smooth the edges of Mitch. Mitch can be quite generous with his timeliness on getting product to the end user and we are working on at least giving a more reasonable waiting period where we think the tank can be delivered as promised.

Bow Valley Services has been supplying local, provincial, national and recently stores all over the USA.

for prices, I think we are more than competitive with 180 gal tanks selling for $375.00 with glass tops etc, etc.

I have heard MANY people complain about the service of the company but not many once the receive the product.

As far as the bubbles in the silicone, they happen when you squeeze the the silicone out of the tube.

Just a note, I'm not here defending the company, just providing information.
I dont own the company just do a bit of marketing that helps pay for my hobby and my tanks.

My VERY first tank was bought from Gold Aquariums and was a Bow Valley Tank and I have personally owned 30 tanks built by Bow Valley and never had a leak or any issue.

I you have had any issue, please PM me and we can find a way to deal with it.

if you do end up purchasing a tank from Bow Valley and anyone tells you that you can have the tank in a few days, its just not going to happen, plan to wait around 3 weeks as that's probably how long it will take.

Any questions for me...feel free to PM.


PS: we have a new website

Last edited by Rahim101; 08-18-2010 at 04:16 PM.
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