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Old 04-18-2010, 04:11 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Default foxface is losing his tail???

recently bought a 180 gal off a guy moving, with the set up came a few fish two maroon clowns,a puffer, a brown and yellow foxface,a blue damsel,pajama cardinal,and a small unknown wrasse in which we are still trying to identify.all went well with the move and took our time getting the new guys in their home acclimating them slowly.obviously the move was very stressful for them but they all seem to be doing fine except for this morning i noticed over night the fox face is losing his tail the damsel is at my house in my tank so its def not him,ill post some pics when i can get my camera charged but id say 40% of his tail is now see through or missing what should i do??any ideas if its disease or stress or being picked on by other fish??thanks
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