Originally Posted by rayjay
I'm annoyed that the spell checkers on Firefox/and my computer don't give the option for Canadian english such as colour as opposed to color.
Oh I hear you - drives me absolutely nuts. I'm British, so my spelling is more like the Canadian spelling. I apparently still say "tomato" wrong though
Originally Posted by BlueWorldAquatic
Funny thing is we use "gallons" and "inches" still commonly in the aquarium world.
Once you strip away the political stuff, people will generally use the most convenient unit for the task - feet, inches and gallons naturally fit for the scale of the average aquarium so measurements in feet and inches make more sense than in say, millimetres or a decimal value in metres.
In temperature there's not such a difference, so you see Celcsius and Fahrenheit being used depending on what people are more used to.
When confusion arises, I find Google is very handy for converting units, you just type in what you have and what unit you want it in.
e.g. "25C in kelvin" or "25C in F"