Does this make sense?
I had a tank with just water bubbling away for about 3 weeks awaiting rock from my brother. Tested water on April 08, results
PH 8.4
Ammonia - 1
NO2 - 0
NO3 - 0
PO4 - 1
temp 80
Today I tested again after having the rock in the tank for 5 days. When it arrived from my brother I brushed it and hosed it off as he was being over run with mushrooms. I was not very happy with him in that he had a leather coral I had given him about 5 years ago when I took down my last tank and he shipped it to my in a dry box. That coral had been through so much but it didn't survive that.
Todays results are
PH - 8.4
Ammonia - 0
NO2 - 0
NO3 - 5
PO4 - 1
temp 80
Does this make sense with the ammonia going down and the NO3 going up and what can I expect in the near future?
This is just a tank to get the rock in good shape, I go get the DT, sump, and skimmer this weekend. He wants to send his foxface and clown up with me as well, will they survive in the rock tank for a month or 2 till the DT is up running and cycled?