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Old 04-16-2010, 08:55 AM
foreverfortune foreverfortune is offline
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: surrey
Posts: 69
foreverfortune is on a distinguished road
Default who makes baffles?

hi anyone know where in the lowermainland i can get baffles made and possibly glued for my sump??
i just got my new skimmer and im trying to put in some baffles to maintain a certain height for my skimmer but the task seems more than i can handle cause i dont have the proper tools.
yesterday i spent hours trying to dismantle a 15g tank for the glass, but when cutting it by scoring it multiple times with a glass cutter and snapping it. i get a corner that didnt break on my score line and instead added a small chunk. tried breaking it off slowly by clamping it down and tried chisleing it only to have it break lol.
so i gave up and today decided to give it a try with plexiglass thinking it would be easier lol.
same thing happened and i spent hours trying to shave off a few mm and now gave up lol. i only have a dremel and drill lol.
currently all my equipment is offline cause my sump is out and only have my 2 vortechs running in my DT.
so now im looking for a place to either do it for me or atleast to cut the peices for me asap.
any suggestions ?? thanks
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