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Old 04-14-2010, 02:41 PM
Treebeard Treebeard is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Strathmore, Alberta
Posts: 665
Treebeard is on a distinguished road

Just keep your face in the water when you are snorkeling. As soon as you look up and try to breathe you are sucking water.

Originally Posted by fishoholic View Post
I heard about Acumal, maybe I'll save us all some $$$ and just go there instead. I tried to snorkel today and I couldn't quite do it I hate breathing out of my mouth and anytime I saw a fish I'd smile and my mask would fill up with water. Almost had it figured out a few time but then a big wave would come by and screw me all up. I'll post lots of pic.'s when I get back home.
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