When I knew that I was going to set up a FOWLR back in January the first thing I did was run out and buy some live rock so that I could start to cook and cure it. Here's my cooking and curing setup.
By the time I was ready to use the rocks (3 months later) they were nice and clean :-)
Other than the live rock, here's what else I needed to aquascape.
If you've followed this thread from the beginning you may remember that I used acrylic rods and zip ties for my 150g aquascaping. Well, I pretty much did the exact same thing. I had a fairly dynamic structure that I wanted to build so I added the use of epoxy, lots of epoxy..
Here's the main base structure which supports mostly all of the weight. A very very heavy piece of travertine rock anchors the whole thing. A single 3/8" rod rods through the centre of all the rocks to hold them in place.
Additional structures are similarly held in place by slightly smaller rods and zip ties.
Then finally I added this arm structure to the base structure to get something like this.
Nothing is secured at this point because I actually have to assemble the whole thing inside the tank as the entire structure is way too heavy to lift. There are 3 sections that just hang loose on their joining rods. Once assembled in the tank the they will be secured and joints filled with epoxy..
Here I am assembling the structure in the tank. Photo courtesy of the wifey
Here's what the final structure looks like. Epoxy is also used to cover up all the zip ties.