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Old 04-13-2010, 11:15 AM
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MikeInToronto MikeInToronto is offline
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Toronto
Posts: 60
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About 6 years ago I had a group of anthias. They were beautiful and the male was spectacular. One day the male disappeared and I was confused because he wasn't in the sump, on the floor, anywhere.
One day while cleaning I found him in the sump. When I built the sump I added an extra hole in some sort of forethought and just capped it using a short piece of vinyl tubing. Well this is where he lived so I never saw him. I remember, too, thinking I doubt he would be in there so I didn't check.
Anyway I had already replaced him. I did something stupid after that and added him back to the tank. Well, the tank big so I couldn't recatch him and the other male killed him. The really sad part was my old male was 100x nicer than the new one. Lesson: Anthias are mean.

Thanks for all the replies and advice. I might try gutterguard.
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