My Chromis love the sump
I just got myself 5 little blue chromis. They are cute but they just end up in the sump over and over and over and over and ...
They are less than an inch long. I'm not going to pull them out of the sump anymore. I'll let them live in there since they like it so much. I have to give them a lot of credit though. Despite getting banged up every time they bounce their way through, they look none-the-worse when I put them back in the tank. One of them disappeared though. I think the carpet anemone might have got it. They tend to tempt fate around that thing and it makes me nervous.
I'd try to block the overflow but they are too small for eggcrate and anything smaller would just obstruct the flow. Even eggcrate messes up the flow.
That's my story to share for today.