There is a lot more work that goes into tanks that are more expensive. I have a bow Valley tank, and it has rough cut edges, bubbles in the silicone and overall is a very very entry level tank.You could almost say low quality. (I have a 165G tall)
Then you can take a look at Jays tanks at Elite. The care and attention to detail is amazing, he offers things no one else is offering like his amazing 1 piece Euro Bracing. Honestly they are some of the nicest tanks i have every seen.
Bow Valleys tank cost me $500 when i bought it 6 years ago. Jays tanks @ Elite are almost 4 times that amount. But you get what you pay for.
Also price can also depend on the buying power of the maker. Bow valley makes a lot of tanks vs jay at Elite is a one man show, so obviously his costs are going to be way higher.
When i upgrade im getting a tank from jay or something comparable.
IMHO bow Valley tanks are good for new people in the hobby, but i would never upgrade to one. This post was in no way meant to be a plug for Elite or jay, it was just an easy example.