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Old 04-12-2010, 09:18 PM
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zum14 zum14 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Prince George
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Ok so mulling over this a bit more and i think i should put this out there to see what people think because its one thing that i kind of have trouble with. I find that once a company knows that they have the repor to do so they will bend you over a barrel. What i mean is that you have a company such as source aquatics, they may not have such a good track record, they prob spend $100 on glass and $100 on man hours to make a tank say 180 gal. They then turn and sell the tank for 450$. I will not deny the chances of getting a sub par product because, to a point, it is true you get what you pay for. But my problem is you get places that have a good repor with everyone and all the sudden there stuff is gold. They may spend $200 for the same amount of glass but better quality, and maybe $250-300 for man hours for better built product, But they then turn and sell it for $1500-$2000 for there name and because they basically go well its this or the bad stuff. I just have trouble trying to figure out wether or not the extra 1000 is worth the bragging rights. In the end i will prob spend the extra for the peace of mind but its just something that i find troublesome.
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