Originally Posted by mycat99
i was out shopping with my wife today looking for a foxface for our tank .while my wife was looking at a new tank i saw a foxface but no price on tank .asked person working in back for price and was told its just over 100.00.said no thanks and walked away .about 10 min later as i was standing in line to pay for purchaces my wife runs over to me with foxface in bag .the new price was just over 40.00 .needless to say i got alittle mad and ask see manager to ask why difference .no one would say who it was .i had just spend almost 1500.00 bucks there so asked for full return .i will never go back
I dunno if I'd assume the mixup was deliberate. That's not the kind of ruse rand-and-file floor staff are likely to pull -a manager or owner perhaps, but not likely a "I get paid by the hour" floor jockey.
I am by no means defending them on this. It was sloppy business at best but it seems unlikely they had a plan. Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if the person hadn't even realized which fish you were talking about; it's just that kind of place.