I was looking at buying a tank from these guys about 12 months ago when I first saw their ad on Kijiji.
I called the guy, we talked and settled on a very reasonable price.
He said to swing by the shop, gave me the address, and I was on my way.
When I got there, he wasn't there (I believe it was Ray) and there was just a lady at the front desk. She said he wasn't available and wasn't involved in sales but asked if she could help me. I told her the tank and price I was quoted and she said she would never sell me that tank at that price.
I gave up at that moment and never thought twice about going back. Then again, I really like to deal with people who have all their cards lined up, not all over the place.
That being said, I have never bought a tank from Red Coral, but I have bought quite a bit there, and I have never had even the smallest negative thing to say about them.