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Old 04-12-2010, 02:29 AM
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Originally Posted by globaldesigns View Post
What! Your Powder Blue took them out, I didn't know that would happen. Powder Blues are usually passive.
Yes, the Magnificent lasted three days, while the Blotched/ One-spot lasted one day, both were larger than him. In total this PBT has wiped out four fish, Yellow Tang, Regal and two Foxfaces. I had to remove a Nasso, and another Regal for their own safety. He also pins my Majestic in a corner on a daily basis.

IMO, if anyone is planning on getting one, make sure it’s the last one in, and if there are other tangs make sure they are larger and a little aggressive, this guy will become the boss in a day or so.

If you did buy the Foxface, $40 for a Magnificent would have been a sweet deal.
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