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Old 04-12-2010, 01:00 AM
JenniferL JenniferL is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Roseisle, Manitoba
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Default Do I need to switch salt?

I recently upgraded to a 90gal and got my new RO/DI unit. Since switching to RO water my calcium and levels have dropped from 420 to 320-360ppm and alkalinity from 8 to 6. I happened to be in my LFS and they advised me that I should have switched my salt from IO to the Red Sea salt. I just bought a new pail, so he sent me with Seachem advanced Calcium and Reef builder powders to use until I use up the IO. I would like to try some SPS corals in the future and wanted to get this corrected now before I have a bunch of corals. Just wondering what you guys suggest.
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