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Old 10-28-2003, 02:31 AM
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Bob I Bob I is offline
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Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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As Steve well knows, I run skimmerless tanks, and with the combination of old water, I should be ripe for a bloom of Cyano if all the theories about nutrients are true.

That is why I offer no cure. I have not seen Cyano for over a year. I don't think it is blind luck. There is a common factor, but I have no idea what it is, but I am happy nonetheless.

I will add something, which like all other cures does not have one scrap of evidence that says it is in any way the answer. Here then is a four part statement. "I have not had cyano in over a year; I do not run a skimmer; I do not do water changes; and last of all, I nave been using Chemi-Pure for over a year".

As I said, I am not offering this as a cure. It could all be coincidential. I just don't know.
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---------Homer Simpson--------
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