Originally Posted by Ron99
Since the drivers are capable of handling an additional 24 LEDS I will probably add a few 3 or 4 near UV (395nm) LEDs as an experiment and to bring out the coral florescence a bit. I will most likely run them without optics as I want them more for some supplementary wavelength rather than producing PAR. I also read a bit about using some green LEDs to bring out coral colours and am toying with the idea of similarly adding some green ones without optics for that purpose.
Have you thought of going full UV instead of near? I think the UV is something were missing in the Led light set ups and they will make your corals pop like crazy. as for the green, I wouldn't waist my time, unless you got nothing better to do

I think green will have the same results of when people were trying the red ones mixed in. lead to more algae.

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