Most of the details are in the thread but I'll summarize again:
80 x Cree XR-E LEDs; 40 cool white Q5 bin and 40 royal blue.
8 x Meanwell ELN60-48P drivers. Each is capable of driving up to 13 LEDs. 4 are driving the blues and 4 for the whites.
60 degree optics for the Cree LEDs
3 x 12"x15" eBay surplus/salvage heatsinks
1 Free surplus Hamilton Lighting housing
Lots of misc. wire, connectors, screws, aluminum etc.
An Arduino microcontroller and associated electronic bits to make the controller - still to be completed.
My costs are somewhere between $1200 and $1400 but I haven't done an exact accounting.
Since the drivers are capable of handling an additional 24 LEDS I will probably add a few 3 or 4 near UV (395nm) LEDs as an experiment and to bring out the coral florescence a bit. I will most likely run them without optics as I want them more for some supplementary wavelength rather than producing PAR. I also read a bit about using some green LEDs to bring out coral colours and am toying with the idea of similarly adding some green ones without optics for that purpose.