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Old 04-10-2010, 07:38 PM
deputy1234 deputy1234 is offline
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Originally Posted by H2o2 View Post
I am thinking about the 250 1A and was wondering if anybody on here has one as i am torn between it and the alpha cone 170. I see the atman pump is quiet i am wondering if the askoll is quiet because i like quiet and the 170 is quiet but i really want to try the 250 (ie nice build)also do those have a spot for ozone Thanks
I never owned any of the two but I've researched/read a lot about both. As a matter of fact I was planning on getting the Alpha 170 but opted to buy the SWC 160 ( because it was cheaper and I've read many good reviews on the skimmer). The alpha 170 and SWC 250 1A are both great skimmers and both are extremely quiet. The problem with comparing them both is that the 250 1A is a larger skimmer and can handle a lot more then the alpha 170. It would depend on the size tank you plan on putting them in.
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