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Old 10-28-2003, 01:24 AM
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Originally Posted by Rasta
In my opinion cyano is mainly due to poor circulation ... what happens as a result is detritus/food buildups that in turn leach phosphates which then feed the cyano bloom ... so take a close look at circulation and see if there is enough water movement so as to maybe prevent it from coming back later on. HTH

Steve, I am sure you would not say Evan has poor circulation, but as I am sure you noticed he has plenty of cyano. Also some time ago the experts on AquariaCentral claimed exactly opposite to what you said. They blamed too much circulation. As I said, I am sure there are plenty of opinions on causes, but in reality I think we are all guessing. I don't claim to have any answers except for the Chemiclean. It works without any bad effects ESPECIALLY in a small tank.. I would never recommend it for a large tank, as it would not be cost effective.
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