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Old 04-10-2010, 05:57 AM
Posts: n/a

Do a more in depth search on brookynella deceases use this link. I do not think it Brook its taken too long Brook usually kills in 24 to 36 hrs.
I will post more links as I find them.
heres is some information from Dr. Aqua

Clownfish Disease
Clownfish Disease is a serious malady affecting Clownfish or sea horses, and other kinds of marine fish.Various species of Clownfish are particularly susceptible to infection from this parasite. The disease is caused by a small ciliated protozoan invisible to the naked eye. It is a parasite of the gills and skin, and unlike the other protozoan discussed, the life cycle is simple, with the parasite reproducing by cell division. As a result the parasite multiplies rapidly on affected fish, causing mortalities in a short period of time. Affected fish develop body lesions, excessive slime secretion, and increased respiration. In the early stages of the disease all that is noticed is an abnormal paleness of color and a rapid breathing rate. As the disease worsens, lesions will be observed on the body, with sloughing of the skin and mucus. The development of a secondary infection with bacteria often accompanies infestation with the parasite. Clownfish Disease is capable of killing fish within 24 to 36 hours after appearance of the signs of scratching and heavy respiration. Prompt treatment must be instituted if the disease is suspected. The parasite is sensitive to various medications, which can be purchased under various trade names. It is recommended that the fish with Clownfish Disease be treated with medications that contain formalin or malachite green. Medications containing copper should be avoided, as the disease is not readily controlled by copper based chemicals.


Last edited by bvlester; 04-10-2010 at 06:08 AM.
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