Originally Posted by medhatreefguy
Try this one:
Obsession - the domination of one's thoughts or feelings by a persistent idea, image, desire, etc.
I think that sums it up.
100% agreed
Originally Posted by no_bs
This is not a hobby. It's an addiction, like crack. Must have. Need it. Want it.
Originally Posted by bauder1986
Just think of how much more active your brain is now compared to before....at least you have something healthy to think about all the time to keep the ol' neurons sparking....good way to keep the amnesia and dimensia away haha but meanwhile you suffer a bad case of insomnia.
Hey, I always knew I was smrt, this proves it

I do agree with the sleepless nights, I've had many of those.
Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic
I tell newbies or non-reefers that "Crack is a cheaper addiction."
Waaaayyyyyy cheaper