I would like to second the check-valve suckage thing... although I would like to say that please dont even design a system that uses or relies on one. IMO, and in my experience... they totally suck. MOST check valves (have seen many diff brands in action) fail. Stuff either gums up in them or the 'flap' if its rubberized 'gives out' or gets deformed into the 'open' shape.
Some are around that almost surely will not fail, but for me, thats not good enough. Why not simply design a system that doesn't worry about one, and simply takes care of itself hassle free, 100% guarenteed not to leak, and saves you the money of buying one. Just my opinion. (You can certainly include one if you want, but in a well-designed system, it wont be necessary).
No more tanks  - Laying off the ReefCrack for awhile!