I tell newbies or non-reefers that "Crack is a cheaper addiction."
I've been diagnosed as Obsessive-Compulsive by a doctor friend so pretty much any "hobby" I get into will turn into an "obsession" or addiction anyways.
That's probably why I'm up to over 650g and over a dozen aquariums full of water (mostly sw). Fill one up, start up a new one. Fill up the house, start up one in the backyard & tell the wife its for irrigating her plants or Felicia's blueberry "farm".
I work at home so it doesn't seem like a huge time investment to me most days, since I like to take a quick break to feed the fish (5 or 8 times a day) or clean the glass or after work, at 3 in the morning, clean the skimmer collection cup or top off or add additives or feed phyto to the bbs culture or......
Hmmmm, maybe it is a lot of work & time consuming after all.
Bottom line is that it keeps me out of trouble since I don't have any other time or money to spend on getting in trouble.
Don't drink alcohol much, don't gamble, don't have any other expensive vices so this is where I choose to spend my time & resources.
Evolution of reefing:
Watch "Finding Nemo"
-> start small sw "Nemo" tank for wife
-> add another tank
-> upgrade lighting
-> add a bigger tank
-> run out of room for corals & fish
-> add another bigger tank
-> REPEAT as needed or until wife kicks you out of the house or drowns you in your sleep
(most expensive step was buying this place in order to house all the tanks & not have to move any time soon)