Originally Posted by Dolf
...."This is the perfect hobby for the budding megalomaniac-" ...." You become the vet and you need to do your research to be successful." ..."research and the feeling of keeping a diverse complete ecosystem where it would be considered impossible if not for your efforts" ....."This appeals to the researcher, the scientist, the artist and, again, the megalomaniac as a hobby." "The frustrations are the price that you pay to have a very unique experience.".... "If any idiot could run out and set up a tank it would loose it’s appeal to many of us. (O.K, any idiot can set it up- just not keep a challenging species successfully.) "
"One final thought- even if you are staying home from work cleaning up water from the floor it was still “spare time” as you had nothing better to do than clean it up. If work were more important you would be there- you are filling your spare time with tank maintenance instead of work."
Damn well put Dolf!
Originally Posted by no_bs
This is not a hobby. It's an addiction, like crack. Must have. Need it. Want it.
Hehehe yep 'bout sums it up when im on days off with a pocket full of cash haha