Bangaii Cardinal Aggression
Hi All,
We bought 2 bangaii's several weeks ago to have a pair as I read that in a pair they should be okay.
One didn't make it though acclimitization for some reason, and the other one came out perfect just like all fish usually do, so the LFS replaced him several weeks later when they received a new shipment.
Well in the mean time the one by himself has fattened up and I guess is all used to being the only cardinal in the tank. So when the new one arrived, he's begun to be aggressive towards it.
Not nipping, but pushing him around, backing into him, chasing him to and fro, cornering him in the top corners of the tank, etc.
Is this okay aggression as in they may form a bond? Or is this bad and I should remove one to the refuge for a while until he gets used to being fed my food, etc?
I haven't seen him eat yet (I've been watching closely). But it did take the other cardinal until day 3 to start eating.
Any thoughts or suggestions?