Originally Posted by BlueAbyss
Also tagging along... I love nanos. I just downgraded to a 5.5 AGA 
nanos are great arent they!
Originally Posted by earliris
i too love nano's! i've had my 12g running for 2 years now and will be starting a thread for my 50g build. Some say a larger tank would be easier... easier than it looks..or should that be the other way around 
I have always found it to be less work than the bigger systems, at least from the bigger systems ive seen. But i guess the parameters in a big tank stays more stable thus keeping corals becomes easier. Nothing a little 2 part dosing cant fix on dosers.
Originally Posted by edikpok
I like your little setup! I am always nervous when I see a tank without a lid though  I always think: "what if something falls into it?" 
Thanks! Nothing to be nervous about if you do it right, the cable thats holding the bulb is screwed right into the ceilings drywall so it there to stay and quite stable unless someone decides to tug on it.