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Old 04-07-2010, 03:22 AM
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Originally Posted by StirCrazy View Post
where did you read that Andrew? all I could find is sometimes hearding dogs especialy boarder collies can have some nuralogical side effects ie. trembling. and it shouldnt be given to dogs under 2lbs.

I personaly think like anything else its a money grab by vets as they won't give it to you unless you have had your yearly exam, then after that (like I did 5 days ago) you just walk in and say I want a 6 pack and my dog weighs 40lbs. they try to up sell you to the fancy stuff that treats flees, and ticks, but only two types of worms instead of the 4 that interceptor does.. you say no then they go in the back and come out with it. no vet involved, just a check to make sure I was in with in the last 12 months.

I know from when I used to live at home you can get horse and cattle meds and administer them yourself with out seeing a vet, we used to do all the needles for our cows and horses ourselves.. and when I was seeing a girl that bread cats we used to give them there shots also.. maybe there is a place you can get that for dogs also?

I had a patient who is a vet last year and we spoke about it several times while I was treating her. After discussing the use in reef aquariums she came in for an appointment with a couple pills for me.
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