The majestic is a very shy fish and the emperor is still quite small. I don't see any reason why you can't keep'em both because you are getting the 125 gal tank soon so there will be plenty of space. I would just caution on getting any LPS corals like hammers, torches and brains 'cause the emperor is likely to nip on them. The majestic is a really sweet angel and minds it's own business but tends to get picked on by other fish. Why don't you keep'em both and then sell the emperor for a higher price down the road when he's adult size. A full grown healthy emperor can fetch between $150-$300.
Anyways, they're both very hardy fish but like tangs, they're just as capable of catching ick so be sure to have a good filter system.
BTW: thanks Jenn for lightening up my load of live rocks. It was really nice to meet you and your hubby. Man, that was a really kick ass truck!